Friday, September 26, 2014

Taking a stab at engagement UI bb301

So the newest backer beta update boasts an updated engagement UI. This allows players to better understand who is currently "engaged" against each character. Engagement means that if that character which is engaged travels outside of the engagement area, they will have to roll a save or suffer a "free hit" from the enemy who has engaged them.

Image taken by Uomoz. Found here
Some classes, such as the fighter, or talents, such as "Hold the Line", allow multiple targets to be engaged. Currently, the engagement UI shows an arrow which points to the character which is engaged: green for allies and red for enemies.

The arrow is currently slightly difficult to see especially in battles where there is a lot going on (spell effects , explosions, etc) as well as when an ally is highlighted (completely blocking out the green engagement UI arrow).

There was some discussion on the Obsidian forums about other methods of showing this UI. I have taken a shot at it and have made a mock up for the UI here.

Initially I came up with engagement UIs that would be parallel to the selection circles. Forgive the very rough animation, but the point was to show how an animation would look.

  I then went further and worked on what it would look like with multiple allies and enemies. I did "static" versions which were versions without animation and "dynamic" ones which included animation. I tried to implement several cases such as enemies with multiple engagement, large, small, and medium sized enemies (different selection circle sizes), allies with multiple engagements, allies who were being flanked, and ranged allies who were not engaged.

Furthermore, I tried to add in both mouse-over and non-mouseover functionality to see the differences. Mouseover is indicated by a lighter color. Again, these were not in isometric angles because it is difficult to do in Photoshop, but it hopefully gets the idea across.
"Static" Engagement UI or "Attacks of Opportunity"with and without mouse-overs
"Dynamic" Engagement UI without mouse-over functionality, version 1.
"Dynamic" Engagement UI without mouse-over functionality, version 2.
"Dynamic" Engagement UI with mouse-over functionality. Only did the one version.
The goal was to see the varied options available for engagement UIs. I'm sure improved UI designs can be come up by the dev team over time. Hopefully, this is useful to them.

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